CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 7: Tanmay Singh
What did you do this past week?
This week was mostly about this first SWE phase and my project in Data mining. I was basically just working on some CS projects throughout this entire week. It was also my birthday on Monday so that was nice to take a little break and have dinner with some of my friends.
What’s in your way?
This week was pretty rough so there is nothing really in my way right now. However, I do want to get started on Phase 2 of our project as soon as we can. Now that the database is introduced I’m excited to learn and progress with our website.
What will you do next week?
Next week, my group and I will get started on phase 2 of the project. We will look at the new tasks presented to us and try to divide up the issues fairly so everyone can learn and experience what they want. We will pay more attention to what exactly is required and make sure we don’t have to cram at all.
If you read it, what did you think of the Open-Closed Principle?
I thought it was a very interesting and important article to read. I was aware of some of the details mentioned in that paper but still learned a lot. I will make sure to pay attention to the Open-Closed Principle when programming.
What was your experience of iterators and reduce2? (this question will vary, week to week)
I remember using iterators a lot in Java but it has been a while since I’ve really used them and know why you can use an iterator instead of a simple for loop. After spending a week on it I am much more confident in knowing where to use iterators in Python.
What made you happy this week?
Had my fake birthday this Monday so it was fun to celebrate and get some dinner with friends. I’m not a birthday person but my friends made it special for me.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
This tool creates an image based on a description you give it. I’ll be completely honest and say that the images aren’t clearly reflective of the description you give but it really interesting to see the images nonetheless. I think if we were giving a restriction on a description size and if the neural network wasn’t trained on such a large dataset there could have been better pictures.